Search results for:Nestlé

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Nestlé Supply Chain ‘Now 77% Deforestation-Free’

Nestlé’s supply chain is now 77% deforestation-free.In 2010 the company committed to ensuring that none of its products would be associated with the environmentally-damaging process of cutting down forests by 2020. It says...

Sweet! Nestlé opens new wind farm in Scotland

The owner of brands such as KitKat, Smarties and Milkybar has opened a new wind farm in Scotland. It consists of nine turbines and will generate around 125GWh of electricity a year –...

US Forest Service Allows Nestlé to Continue Taking Water from California National Forest

The U.S. Forest Service has offered Nestlé Waters North America a three-year permit on water rights in the San Bernardino National Forest, allowing the company to continue to take millions of gallons...


The state of Kuwait, the monarchy nestled on the coast of the Persian Gulf, which borders Iraq and Saudi Arabia, with a population of about 4.5 million, got its name after the...

ABB helps ensure sustainable power at 75th Formula E race as title sponsor

This weekend, the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship returns to Jakarta for a double header in the Indonesian capital, with the first of the two races being ABB’s 75th as title sponsor. The...


By launching initiatives aimed at achieving a net zero emission rate by 2050 in the countries in which it operates, Nestlé has been actively fighting climate change. In 2010, the company pledged...

4 Myths About Industrial Agriculture

Our lives revolve around food. It’s part of our cultures and our heritages, and our social interactions are often centered on it. Yet, it’s a privilege to be able to have meals...

Between the Myth and Responsibility

Is it all that it takes for one product to have labels such as eco, 100 percent natural, or 100 percent bio so that we are assured that buying it would do...

Froneri Ice-Cream –Pleasure With an Environmental Protection Touch

Thanks to the Fronery Adriatic company and its continuous investments, once a little local plant in Stara Pazova was turned into an advanced ice-cream factory for the 21 century. Today, this is...

Tons of toxic microplastics are covering Sri Lanka’s western coastline

Sri Lanka is facing one of the worst environmental disasters in its history after tons of plastic pellets have washed ashore near its capital devastating kilometers of pristine beaches and threatening marine...

Plastic is a climate, health and social justice issue

Companies like Coke, Pepsi and Nestle rely on single-use plastic, which is not only polluting the entire planet with waste, but helping to prop up the oil and gas sector and fueling climate...

EBRD and EU Advance Honey Producer’s Development in Moldova

Nestled in the picturesque village of Costești, Moldova, Regina Naturii manufactures and trades jars of delicious natural delicacies. The honey producer may well have borrowed its work ethic from industrious bees in...

How Investing In Nature Can Help Tackle The Biodiversity And Climate Crises

This month, world leaders and experts convened for the UN General Assembly which is culminating in the UN Summit on Biodiversity today. The Summit will emphasise the need to safeguard nature and...

Better Latte Than Never… Compostable Coffee Pods Go on Sale

The first compostable one-cup coffee pods from a major manufacturer will go on sale this week in a battle to stop the 20bn pods used every year around the world from ending...

Global Food Producers ‘Failing to Face Up to Role’ in Climate Crisis

The world’s biggest producers of meat, dairy and seafood are failing to tackle the enormous impact they are having on the planet through deforestation, the routine use of antibiotics and greenhouse gas...

Forest Area Twice the Size of UK ‘Cut Down to Grow Food Since 2010’

An area of forest twice the size of the UK has been cut down since 2010 to set up food plantations.That’s the verdict from Greenpeace International, which claims unsustainable farms supply many...



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