About Us

Energy portal (EP) is a specialized public broadcasting medium on sustainable energetics that daily updates the most important news and information necessary for investors and other parties in renewable energy sources (RES), improvement of energy efficiency in industry, transport and buildings (EE) in Serbia interested in production of “clean” energy, energy efficiency improvement and sustainable development.

EP is the mediator for implementation of sustainable projects and cost-effective “green” investments. It is also a guide through regulations, procedures, materials, design, technologies, research, sources of funding…

o nama TEAM

The Energy portal team is an energy efficient community, motivated by energy, environmental, economic and European values with a view to transparently presenting them to its users, investors and other parties interested in renewable energy sources, improvement of energy efficiency in Serbia and in the Region the principles of sustainable development.

MISSION Mission of Energy portal is to:

      • Familiarize investors with the procedures with a view to implement projects and investments in the field of RES,
      • Gather people, funds and resources on sustainable projects with aim to their implementation.


Creating sustainable, humane, energy independent, economically stabile and environmentally aware community through promoting renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, waste management and environmental protection.


  • Accumulation of information on projects, innovations, procedures, investments… in the field of RES and EE;
  • Raising awareness and expanding the knowledge of RES and EE, with systematic support to development of the scientific and educational institutions dedicated to ‘green’ energy;
  • Motivating individuals to invest in RES and EE; and encouraging the development of the domestic industry in accordance with the development of the domestic energy sector;
  • Connecting investors, banks and project holders with the aim to create the common sustainable projects in the field of RES and EE;
  • Initiating the development of sustainable financial mechanisms and establishing the confidence in banks’ support of RES and EE sectors;
  • Improving the environment through the production of ‘clean’ energy and thus reducing the emissions of CO2 and other harmful products of fossil energy use;
  • Advancing towards the European standards of living in an eco-friendly environment;
  • Initiating systemic regulatory and legislative changes with the aim of improving the conditions and simplifying the procedures and regulations for production of energy from renewable resources, restoring thus the trust into institutions.

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