Terms of Use

Energy portal offers its services to customers in good faith. By using the services of the Energy Portal website you acknowledge that you do so by taking full responsibility and the Energy portal cannot be considered liable for any damage which arose from such use.

By using any part of Energy portal, you agree and accept all the stated terms of use.

Neither part of Energy portal website can be used for illegal purposes, nor for the promotion thereof.

All visitors have the right to use the content and services of the Energy portal website unless they violate the terms of use.

Copying, reproduction, broadcast and redistribution of materials contained on the Energy portal website, fully or partially, on any medium or in any form, is not permitted without our explicit consent.

Consent is given on the basis of individual requests. For more information and specific requests, please contact us.

Energy portal is not responsible for contents of other websites, even if you were directed to the other site by the link from the Energy portal.

If you believe that the Energy portal has violated your copyrights by linking and publishing your content, please contact us.

Your IP address will be recorded when visiting the Energy portal. The IP address will be used only in the case of non-compliance with the terms of use, for faster detection and prevention of the site abuse.

Energy portal will not share e-mail addresses of the users to third parties under any circumstances.

Energy portal will not use email addresses of the users to send advertisements.

Energy portal reserves the right to change or modify the terms of use without prior notice. Valid terms of use can be found under www.energetskiportal.rs/en/terms-of-use/.