Businesses Including Uber and Nokia Team Up Against Climate Change

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

A new business alliance aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across all sectors and ensure a climate turning point by 2020.

The 21 companies forming the Step Up Declaration plan, which includes signatories such as Bloomberg, HP, Lyft, Nokia and Uber, plan to harness the power of emerging technologies and the fourth industrial revolution to help cut greenhouse gas emissions across buildings, data-centres, finance, telecoms, transport and more.

The collective has come together in response to a challenge issued by Christiana Figueres, Convenor of Mission 2020, where she called on the technology sector to demonstrate their own progress ahead of 2020 and show how they can help the rest of the global economy decarbonise.

The group says existing technologies and the companies behind them have the potential to significantly impact the transition to a fossil fuel-free economy and critically influence the global climate.

Christiana Figueres said: “The influence of the fourth industrial revolution impacts us all.

“When that incredible force is primed to catalyse exponential shifts in greenhouse gas emissions reductions across all sectors of the economy, we can be stubbornly optimistic about delivering a livable planet to our children within the timeframe we have left to do so.”

Source: Energy Live News

