Climate Change ‘Is Already Fuelling Conflict in Africa’

The effects of climate change are fuelling conflict in Africa.

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

That’s the verdict from Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who speaking in Nigeria on a 5-day visit to Africa this week, said the effects of global warming are leading to violent instability in several countries across the continent.

He said this is already happening in parts of Nigeria, where grazing lands are being affected by changing temperatures and driving fighting between farmers and herders.

He also noted desertification and land degradation caused by climate change contribute to extreme poverty, which in turn is a significant contributory factor towards terrorism.

He announced £153 million of new aid funding, spread across three new programmes – the schemes aim to help millions of farmers across Africa and South Asia become more resilient to the effects of global warming.

Mr Hunt said: “It is important we continue international co-operation to tackle the causes of climate change, and prevent further potentially devastating consequences for regional stability, developmental progress and future prosperity.

“We need to prevent the escalation of conflict and instability by tackling the root causes. Africa cannot be left to manage this crisis alone. That’s why the UK will lead efforts on climate resilience in the poorest and most vulnerable countries at this year’s UN Climate Summit and has bid to host the vital COP26 in 2020.”

Source: Energy Live News

