The Energy Community Secretariat, an Observer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), participated at the twenty-sixth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow.
Director Kopač took part in a high-level side-event on the contribution of Energy Community Contracting Parties towards the 2050 target of a carbon-neutral European continent co-organized together with the NGO coalition Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe. The discussions focussed on the pressing need of introducing a carbon pricing scheme in the Energy Community and ensuring a just and inclusive energy transition of coal-dependent regions, including through redesigning existing financial instruments. During the Vienna Energy Club dedicated COP side-event, he also underlined the importance of research, development and innovation to boost the future of the energy sector.
The side-events were preceded by a meeting of the Energy Community’s Energy and Climate Committee, which served to exchange information on the current COP26 negotiations. The meeting was co-chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, Olha Stefanishyna, and the Director of International, Mainstreaming & Policy Coordination at DG CLIMA, Elina Bardram.
Renewables Expert Naida Taso outlined options for de-risking and scaling-up energy from renewable energy sources through market-based policies in the Energy Community, including a functional system for guarantees of origin, at a COP26 side-event organized by AURES II.
At the COP26 side-event of SDG7 presenting the Multi-Stakeholder Gender and Energy Compact, Sustainable Energy Expert Irina Lazzerini underlined the importance of addressing the inequalities embedded in the energy systems by giving a voice to women, youth and local communities. She highlighted that we should recognize, also through gender disaggregated data, that energy policy is not gender neutral. Climate change and energy poverty affect disproportionately women; we need to do better to promote women in decision-making positions to make sure that our interests are taken into account.
Source: Energy Community