Grundfos: to Be the Best with the Best

Currently in the world, about 13% of primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources although the technological capacities are significantly higher. Contrary to renewable sources are non-renewable energy sources. They could be defined as sources whose reserves are expected to be exhausted for a maximum of a few hundred years, and whose regeneration could last several times longer. According to such trend, we in Grundfos believe that we have an obligation to behave responsibly always – in business and in society. We comply with international and local standards, regulations and legislation wherever we operate.

Furthermore, Grundfos operates in a manner that meets or exceeds compliance with the ethical, legal, and public expectations made by society. We are convinced that as a company, we have a responsibility towards the environment, employees, and local communities, as well as conducting a fair and correct behaviour towards our customers, suppliers and competitors.

In addition to corporate responsibility and compliance, sustainability is a key concept in Grundfos. The overall objective for this generation is to hand over our planet Earth to the next generation as cleaner and more energising place than we inherited. Sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs in terms of both natural resources and social wellbeing.

In Grundfos, sustainability is first and foremost related to the way we respond to the climate challenges. Grundfos strongly believes in enhancing our sustainability profile by offering cutting-edge green solutions, which will contribute to meeting a number of global challenges in terms of climate change, water constraints and demographic changes, while at the same time we make profitable and sound business in the long run.

As a global leader in pump solutions, we have a unique business opportunity in helping to improve energy efficiency. We believe that our ability to pioneer and deliver superior environmental solutions to solve problems such as water shortage, mismanagement of energy and natural resources, inefficient infrastructure and increasing CO2. It is clear that there will be a growing need for protection against flooding and better systems for transportation, filtration and water treatment. However, we have already launched products that can meet the demands and environmental standards of tomorrow and many of them are based in or originate from Grundfos.

Grundfos – being a part of the challenge – is ready to be a part of the solution. We do this by taking our own medicine and setting the goal never to emit more CO2 than we did in 2008. This is an ambitious and important objective.

It is our ambition to be a frontrunner when it comes to  and cost-efficient buildings. We take our own medicine by focusing on sustainability when constructing new buildings and renovating the existing ones.

Grundfos has set targets and defined a building code, which is a classification system showing the sustainability level of our buildings ranging from class 1-3, where class 1 buildings are those with low energy and water consumption or can achieve LEED Gold level awards.


Define the ‘Building code’ for Grundfos Buildings and set specific improvements target for all Grundfos sites – year 2009.

From 2010 building code class 1 will be considered as the target to strive for when constructing new Grundfos buildings.

Renewable energy supply is chosen where the payback time is less than 5 years.

By year 2015 the consumption of fossil based energy is reduced by 30% in all existing buildings (compared to year 2008). This can be achieved via reduction in energy consumption or via renewable energy supply.

No Domestic Water has been used for irrigation from 2012.

By year 2015 the reuse of grey wastewater and rainwater harvesting accounts for more than 30% of the water consumption in all existing Grundfos buildings (compared to year 2008).

We want Grundfos’ buildings to support our values and brand. At the same time, we hope that they can inspire our customers and employees to sustainable solutions. As a global company, when planning new buildings as well as when renovating of existing constructions, we live up to the requirements in LEED (LEED Green Building Rating system), Gold level or corresponding requirements in accordance with a local standard.

Following these guidelines Grundfos factory in Indjija was built. It is a building with a LEED Gold certification, which is the second highest certificate in civil engineering in the field of environmental protection. The research regarding the installation of panels has been started on a huge deck surface, and there is an ongoing project water purification system that will be operated in the same way.

In order to increase the value we must bring responsibility and sustainability to a higher level, that is create common values. In simple terms, aiming to create value for Grundfos, we have to make value for the people in the countries in which we operate.

ii-6-alpha2Furthermore, we can deal with the solutions related to Grundfos pumps. Pumps currently consume 10% of global electricity. However, most are needlessly inefficient.  With Grundfos high efficiency pumps and motor technology we can reduce the average pump’s energy consumption by up to 60%. Our energy-efficient products are especially relevant due to increased legislation such as the EuP Directive. Some of those pumps are: MAGNA3, ALPHA2, ALPHA3 and all pumps with motors which have label Blueflux®.

The MAGNA3 is a circulator pump based on the tried and tested MAGNA technology and our

industry-leading experience with electronic pumps. The permanent magnet motor, AUTOadapt

function and integrated frequency converter is still a part of the MAGNA package, but to MAGNA3 pumps we have added some additional, ground-breaking new technologies. The result is a cutting-edge piece of intelligent technology that retains the unrivalled Grundfos reliability.

With 40 years of experience with electronically controlled pumps and 1 million test hours for the MAGNA3 in extreme conditions, including alternating pressure tests, high humidity tests as well as high and low temperature tests, we are confident that this pump will serve you day in and day out for many years to come.

MAGNA3 is a truly full-range pump with more than 150 different single and twin circulators in cast iron or stainless steel. We have also increased the maximum twin to 18 m and the flow to 70 m3/h. Get ready to specify a perfectly sized circulator pump for any HVAC application.

MAGNA3 gives you new opportunities with more intelligent control modes, optimized building management communication (BMS) and a built-in heat energy meter.

With an Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) well below the EuP benchmark level MAGNA3 can achieve energy savings of up to 75% compared to a typical installed circulator and thereby a remarkably fast return on investment.

MAGNA3 is the ideal pump for heating and cooling applications, recirculation of hot water as well as the transport of various antifreeze mixtures. It is designed to handle liquids at temperature from         -10°C to 110°C, the ambient temperatures from 0°C to +40°C, which makes it suitable for both tough industrial tasks and ground source heat pump systems (GSHP).

Grundfos Blueflux® is Grundfos’ motor & drives technology label. Grundfos Blueflux® technology represents the best from Grundfos within energy efficient motors and variable frequency converters – class IE4 (i.e MG motors, MGE motors and CUE drives). The Grundfos Blueflux® motor technology label ensures that the motor meets or exceeds international legislation regarding motor efficiency.

Every aspect of the technology driving a Grundfos Blueflux® motor has been developed to respond to the real needs of the application or the solution in which the pump system is installed – and always with an emphasis on reliability and efficiency.

A pump system or solution with a Grundfos Blueflux® motor has a considerably higher total efficiency than comparable solutions and reduces lifecycle costs substantially. When motor technology is combined with advanced pump design and the addition of speed control, Grundfos ensures superior system control, reduced day-to-day service costs, and lowered environmental impact.

Grundfos Blueflux® illustrates a range of skills and innovative processes that Grundfos brings to motor technology development. Grundfos was instrumental in the drafting and passing of the EuP Directive, setting the ecodesign requirements for electric motors for the European Union. As a technological leader of high-efficiency motors, Grundfos was invited to help with the technical aspects of the legislation.

Grundfos was able to create political awareness of the huge savings potential of variable speed motors and, at a late stage, to influence the decision makers to include variable frequency drives in the new legislation. As a consequence, Europe’s annual electricity consumption will be reduced by 5% by 2020 – about 10 times more than originally planned before Grundfos intervened.

Our ability to get our knowledge of energy optimisation and of the issues facing customers taken into consideration by researchers, opinion leaders, politicians and partners means we are uniquely placed to offer solutions that keep Life Cycle Costs down, reduce CO2 emissions, and increase the sustainability of the pump system or solution.

The Grundfos Blueflux® label guarantees that the motor technology used is ahead of current market standards, and either meets or exceeds legislative requirements for motor efficiency, where these apply.

We believe that every day holds the possibility of solving the urgent challenges of the world. Every day we choose to take steps to care for our people, our planet and our business. In Grundfos everyone is invited to take part in making the world better. Only through a joint global effort will we be able to keep our core promise: to be responsible, to think ahead and to innovate the future. Step by step, day by day – every day.

