Heat Pumps – What Savings They Make and How Much They Cost?

Advantages of heat pumps

Photo: Wikipedia/Kristoferb

The main advantage of heat pumps over the competition in the market for heating and cooling appliances is that facilities equipped with heat pumps receive much more energy compared to the costs. Namely, the system is powered by electricity and generates between 3.5 and 6 kW of thermal energy per kilowatt consumed. With rising prices for other energy products, the savings could be even more significant in the future!

According to some estimates, it reduces the cost of heating by 65 per cent, and furthermore, it is possible to program the heat pump operation during the lower tariff. Heat pumps are quiet, fully automatic and easy to operate.

Depending on the regime, they can be used both for heating and cooling, and their use in hot water preparation is increasingly being represented.

On top of that, maintenance is unnecessary. Manufacturers emphasise that by introducing heat pumps, smoke, ash, heating with wood or coal, as well as “leakage” and condensation on the boilers, will sink into oblivion. There are no worries and additional expenses for connection, meters and tanks, and before winter, there is no need to stock up on any energy product. They have a long life expectancy.

With the application of adequate energy efficiency measures, the usefulness of heat pumps is further increased.

They also have a positive effect on air quality, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by up to 50 per cent over petroleum-based heating.

Investment costs for heat pumps

We contacted the experts of the partner company CEEFOR asking how much it would cost us to heat – and cool – a 60 m2 house or apartment with a heat pump. They explained that in this situation, the most appropriate choice would be an air-to-water heat pump since water-to-water and ground-to-water are more suitable for larger buildings – private homes.

The price of the recommended 9 kW heat pump is approximately € 1,700 in our market. With the cost of installing a heat pump, installing underfloor heating and installing a hot water system and air conditioning, the total investment would reach € 7,000. The payback period depends on the energy class of the household, as well as how it was previously heated.

According to the engineers’ calculations, the heat pump that CEEFOR recommended, would generate 3.5 kW of heat per energy consumed. As we mentioned before that is the reason for its cost-effectiveness.

Jelena Kozbasic

