Majority of UK Public Want to Bin Fruit and Veg Packaging

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

Around 92% of the British public want to get rid of fruit and vegetable packaging or make it recyclable.

That’s the suggestion from a new survey conducted by D-CYFOR, which shows 68% of the UK public believe supermarkets should only sell products where the manufacturer of the product clearly labels what percentage of the product’s packaging is recyclable.

Approximately a fifth of people disagreed with this statement and 11% say they ‘don’t know’.

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

Around 48% of participants think product packaging found in supermarkets should be fully recyclable, while 27% of participants said it should be above 75% recyclable and 11% believe packaging should be between 75% and 50% recyclable.

Approximately 2% of people said they wouldn’t mind if packaging was largely unrecyclable.

The UK’s real plastic recycling rate in 2015 might not have actually been as high as the 39% claimed in official data.

Source: Energy Live News

