San Diego International Airport Goes 100 percent Renewable Electricity

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

San Diego International Airport may be the home base for an enormous amount of emissions from all the airplanes flying in and out of there, but the airport itself is becoming one of the greenest when it comes to its electricity supply.

San Diego International Airport is working with San Diego Community Power (SDCP), a not-for-profit community choice energy program, to get 100 percent clean, carbon-free, renewable energy supply. The airport is signed up for the Power100 service, which means that SDCP will provide it with 100 percent renewable electricity.

This new partnership means that San Diego International Airport is switching to 100 percent renewable electricity almost 15 years early, as its target was to achieve this milestone by 2035.

“Having the opportunity to work with San Diego Community Power enables us to reach our goal of 100 percent renewable electricity well before our planned timing of 2035,” said Kimberly Becker, San Diego County Regional Airport Authority President and CEO. “SDCP’s ability to provide reliable, zero-carbon energy at competitive costs is a gamechanger for us and everyone in the region.”

“As one of our first Power100 Champions, we hope SAN’s choice will inspire additional businesses to upgrade to 100 percent clean energy enabling us to reinvest even more in the community,” said Bill Carnahan, Interim CEO of San Diego Community Power. “As a local not-for-profit, all of our excess revenue will be invested locally in workforce development, job training, aid for communities of concern, and training and employing local workers.”

San Diego Community Power indicates that it offers Power100 service and PowerOn service, the latter of which provides 50 percent renewable electricity supply, but there are not many Power100 customers yet.

San Diego Community Power will start offering renewable electricity packages like these to residents in February 2022.

You can read the whole article HERE.

Source: Clean Technica

