Solar Homes With Tesla’s Powerwall 2.0 Are Already Cost-Competitive With The Grid In Australia

Photo: Pixabay

As the world shifts towards renewable energy, cost competitiveness is sometimes still a factor. Fossil fuel proponents claim the polluting energy sources are cheaper, but that assertion is now harder to defend. According to energy consultancy CME director Bruce Mountain, the Tesla Powerwall 2.0 and rooftop solar panels can provide Australian homes with a cost-competitive source of electricity when compared against grid power supplies.

Mountain looked at a hypothetical Adelaide home, which he estimated would use around 4,800 kilowatt-hours of electricity each year. He assumed such a home’s electricity bill would be the average of the 77 market offers in the area, and examined prices both before and after conditional discounts. He also considered the lifetimes of the clean technologies utilized, supposing a five kilowatt rooftop solar array would last for 20 years, and the Powerwall 2.0 would last for 10 years.

Mountain’s calculations were thrilling: the clean technologies offer electricity at around an equal price to market offers after discounts, and are even cheaper than market offers before discounts. He said in his article, “This is astounding. A typical household in the suburbs of Adelaide can now meet its electrical needs with solar and battery storage for about the same amount they would pay on a competitive offer from the grid.”

Homes receiving cost-competitive clean energy are able to do so in part because of the advanced Powerwall 2.0. While Mountain notes the battery costs nearly the same as the Powerwall 1.0, it offers 100 percent more storage capacity. Peak power and continuous power both increased with the Powerwall 2.0 by 40 percent and 50 percent respectively.

Mountain said the implications of his findings about cost-competitive clean energy are either exciting or worrying, depending on a reader’s vested interest.


