Tag: Serbia

How Energy Efficiency Shapes the Future of Serbia

Serbia is facing serious challenges when it comes to energy efficiency. With energy consumption approximately 3.5 times higher than the European average, it is clear that there is significant room for improvement....

Energy Transition In Serbia – Challenges and Potential

The energy transition in Serbia has become a burning issue in recent years, especially after a significant increase in the capacity of renewable energy sources (RES). However, despite Serbia managing to almost...

Serbian Parliament Discusses Lithium Exploitation

At the first session of the regular autumn meeting of the National Assembly of Serbia, scheduled to take place today, the proposed amendments to the Law on Mining and Geological Research will...

Challenges of Competitive Energy Production in the Global Market

Forming a unified European energy market is crucial for the Energy Community (EC), which includes European Union members and nine other signatory countries. Although significant progress has been made over the past...

INECP – Serbia on the Path to Sustainability

The Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (INECP) of the Republic of Serbia is a key strategic document that defines ambitious yet achievable goals for the country’s energy transition. This plan is...

White Paper Presented in Serbia That Could Make the Waste Management System More Sustainable

The recently presented White Paper on Waste-to-Energy in Serbia aims to provide a clear and reliable insight into all aspects of waste incineration and to address many of the questions that this...

EPS Changes Rules for Commercial Customers

New methodologies for forming electricity prices for customers under commercial supply have been adopted by the Assembly of the Joint Stock Company "Elektroprivreda Srbije" (EPS), with the aim of establishing prices that...

Active Fires in Serbia – No Threat to the Population

In the last 24 hours, the members of the Emergency Situations Sector have been engaged in 108 open-space fires across the territory of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Ministry of Internal...

Does the Draft Law on Amendments to the Energy Law Open the Door to Nuclear Energy?

A public debate is currently underway on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Energy Law, which introduces significant changes in the energy sector in Serbia. Key innovations include the introduction of...

Prosumers – an Important Link in Serbia’s Energy Transition

Although present on Serbia’s energy scene since 2014, the concept of prosumers only truly took off two years ago, and its popularity continues to grow daily. Citizens, businesses, and numerous institutions can...

The Serbian Electricity Exchange Ensures the Highest European Standards

After almost a decade since its foundation and becoming operational in February 2016, the Serbian Electricity Exchange (SEEPEX) has firmly positioned itself not only as an important support provider in green transition...

Good Management of Protected Areas Leads to Better Nature Conservation

The Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, which deals with the protection and improvement of natural heritage, currently has 472 protected areas in Serbia under its jurisdiction, spanning 762,960 hectares or 8.62...

EU Support for Green Transition Projects in Serbia

The European Union launched the European Green Deal, paving the way for a comprehensive approach to green in all sectoral policies. The Green Deal was extended to the Western Balkans in the...

Serbian Scientists in the Fight for Cleaner air and Greater Energy Efficiency

In Western Balkan countries, thermal power plants are the leading electricity producers, accounting for about 54 per cent of the total energy production. At the same time, thermal power plants are the...

Serbia has Used up All its Natural Resources for This Year

As of  May 23rd, Serbia had used up its natural resources reserves for this year, which means that from today on, we are “living on borrowed resources.” This is the assessment of the...

Is the ‘G’ Element in the ESG Concept Unjustifiably Neglected?

When analyzing individual ESG elements, the ‘G’ element is often overlooked due to the emphasis on climate risks, social implications and other ‘E’ and ‘S’ factors. In light of the growing recognition...