Wilo on the Global and Domestic Market – Innovative Solutions in the Production of Pumps and Systems

Recently, the German company Wilo was presented with the renowned National Sustainability Award 2018 thanks to its high-efficiency products and comprehensive approach to sustainability. It seems as a well-deserved triumph to be named as one of the top 3 of “Germany’s most sustainable large companies”, having in mind that Wilo, with its innovative solutions in the production of pumps and systems, improves the market around the world making an effort at the same time to help mitigate the ecological consequences due to climate change and water shortages. Wilo’s global success is reflected in the position of the Serbian branch of this company at the local market as well as in their approach to local clients. The Service manager Aleksandar Momcilovic explains what are the comparative.

Photo: Wilo (Private archive)

EP: Offering a great product or service hasn’t been enough for a long time. It’s becoming ever so important how the production affects the environment and how much resources are used. As it seems, Wilo pays great attention to sustainability, so what’s the sustainable level of the Serbian branch?

Aleksandar Momcilovic: As manufacturers and equipment suppliers, we have long respected these needs of our customers, so we adjust our equipment (pumps and pumping systems) to our users’ needs. Our high-efficiency equipment greatly reduces emissions of harmful gases CO2 into the atmosphere, and thus positively affects the environment. Reliable and efficient equipment is of huge importance in today’s production facilities and processes, as unplanned stoppages due to the equipment failure bring about huge costs. For that reason, it is very significant that the equipment we supply in addition to being energy efficient is also reliable. As a result, the costs of production plant and maintenance are reduced, production processes do not have to undergo unnecessary stoppages and halts, the user of the equipment is more satisfied and focused solely on production, which eventually brings good results. It is necessary to know that the pump is only a component within the system. Being adjusted with the complete installation, it can reach the full potential. Therefore, it is essential that our equipment is safe and reliable so that the operation of the entire system is secured. The best way to a stable operation of the equipment is timely and continuous monitoring and servicing, without unplanned failure, damage and deadlock.

EP: In Serbia, Wilo also provides trustworthy support throughout all phases of the project – from planning, to dimensioning, to putting into operation and maintenance. You also organize workshops about the news in the sector of pumping techniques.

Aleksandar Momcilovic: We believe that our service should cover the entire economic life of the Wilo products which you use. No doubt it is valuable for end-customers that the company WILO Belgrade provides WILO SERVICE which is designed according to the highest company service standards. Adjusting to the customer’s maintenance concept and as experts for this type of equipment, we suggest being involved in maintaining of the Wilo pumps, pumping systems and other accompanying devices. The best way to accomplish this is through a maintenance contract, which determines in detail what is the subject of prospects and maintenance, how it is implemented and what are realization terms as well as all other mutual obligations. In addition to a competent and responsible approach that you can expect from the Wilo representatives, this type of business-technical cooperation also enables you to benefit from a partner status when it comes to all possible services, a privileged price for spare parts and a number of other benefits. The Wilo Belgrade Service is one of the most equipped service provider of the pump technology in the region, and in addition, we offer a complete vibro-diagnostic service, coaxial adjustment, ultrasonic flow measurement and thermo vision diagnostics, professional and competent analysis of conditions and malfunctions, determination of the costs of the economic life of pumps and systems, etc.

There is a potential to save as much as 90 per cent in energy consumption in the sector for air conditioning, heating and cooling in Serbia if old unchecked circulator pumps are replaced by new high-efficient pumps with low energy consumption.

Having Wilo as a partner, you can be sure not only to make a smart choice of products but also to benefit from the extensive package of services we provide. We offerreliable support throughout all phases of the project – from planning, to dimensioning, to putting into operation and maintenance. We do not want you to choose any solution, but precisely what you need and what is right for you – whether it’s a new installation or replacement of an old pump. We consider your requests and analyse them based on your individual and economic solutions, desires and conditions

Interview by: Tamara Zjacic

Read the whole interview in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine on CIRCULAR ECONOMY, September-November 2018. Page 32.

