Search results for:deforestation

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How Banks Finance the Deforestation of the Amazon

According to the latest research by the non-governmental organization Greenpeace, loans from Brazilian national and international banks and taxpayers’ money finance the illegal clearing of the Amazon rainforest. The investigation analyzed the granting...


The danger of possible contact with mercury is something we have been familiar with since childhood when using old-fashioned thermometers. However, mercury is much more present in our living environment and its...

The World Must Halt Deforestation and Use Forests Sustainably, FAO Director-General says

The world must halt deforestation, plant trees to make the planet greener and restore productive capacities, and use forests and trees sustainably, QU Dongyu, the Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization...

EU Lawmakers Vote to Include Maize, Meat Imports in Anti-Deforestation Rules

The European Parliament has voted to extend the agricultural goods covered by the bloc’s new law against imports linked to deforestation to include maize, poultry and pig meat in a move hailed...

Will the EU Finally End its Complicity in Global Deforestation?

Once again, government officials and politicians are returning home from the climate negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow with their bags full of promises and pledges to tackle the climate crisis, including lofty pledges...

Collaborative Partnership on Forests Calls for Halt to Deforestation

A group of 15 international organizations working on forestry today issued a joint statement highlighting the need to halt the destruction of the world’s forests. The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) comprises UN...

Golden Opportunity to Stop Deforestation Caused by EU Consumption

Fires raging in the Amazon are started deliberately to make way for large-scale industrial agriculture – and EU market demand for commodities produced on former-forest land is adding fuel to the fires....

A Kenyan Entrepreneur Fights Deforestation With a New Energy Solution

When Leroy Mwasaru was in his teens, he noticed a major problem at his Kenyan boarding school. Ageing pipes were leaking sewage directly into a nearby stream, which was a source of...

Amazon Deforestation Is Driven by Criminal Networks, Report Finds

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon is a lucrative business largely driven by criminal networks that threaten and attack government officials, forest defenders and indigenous people who try to stop them, according to...

Palm Oil Importers Won’t Meet Zero Deforestation Goals by 2020

European palm oil importers are unlikely to be able to ensure that the products they sell are “deforestation-free” by the self-imposed goal of 2020, according to analysis by the Palm Oil Transparency...

Nestlé Supply Chain ‘Now 77% Deforestation-Free’

Nestlé’s supply chain is now 77% deforestation-free.In 2010 the company committed to ensuring that none of its products would be associated with the environmentally-damaging process of cutting down forests by 2020. It says...

Deforestation in Tropical Countries Linked to European Diets in New Study

One-sixth of the carbon footprint of the average diet in the European Union can be directly linked to deforestation in tropical countries, according to a new study from researchers at Chalmers University...

Reduced Deforestation in Indonesia Triggers Carbon Payment from Norway

Indonesia can now receive payments from Norway after the Southeast Asian country reduced emissions from deforestation. It will be the first payment for reducing around 4.8 million tons of carbon emissions under...

Amazon Rainforest Deforestation Hits Highest Rate in 10 Years

About 7,900 square kilometers (3,050 square miles) of forest was cleared in the Brazilian Amazon between August 2017 and July 2018, the worst annual deforestation rate in a decade, according to government data. That's a 13.7 percent...

Norway Becomes World’s First Country to Ban Deforestation

Norway has become the first country to ban deforestation. The Norwegian Parliament pledged May 26 that the government's public procurement policy will be deforestation-free.Any product that contributes to deforestation will not be...

EU Climate Law Could Cause ‘Catastrophic’ Deforestation

Senior climate scientists say that the world’s carbon sinks could be facing a grave threat from a wholly unexpected source: the EU’s renewable energy directive. The climate law could suck in as much...



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