Renewable Energy Tariffs ‘Are Now Among Cheapest on the Market’

Renewable energy tariffs are now among the cheapest on the market.

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

That’s according to uSwitch, which suggests the ten cheapest eco-tariffs could save homes an average of £273 compared to a big six standard tariff, up from £233 the same time last year.

The cheapest green energy tariff available today comes in at around £859 per year, £278 cheaper than the average big six plan and £354 less than the average price of a big six standard variable tariff.

The price comparison service also shows the number of environmentally-friendly tariffs on the market has shot up to 57, an increase of 21 since last summer.

It says more readily available and affordable renewable electricity and bio-gas has led to green deals becoming more competitively priced and more diverse in what they offer.

A survey conducted by the brand illustrates around 38% of households are now considering switching to a green energy tariff, up a tenth from 2017.

Shona Eyre, Energy Expert at, says: “With green energy tariffs now featuring heavily in the best-buy tables, planet-friendly deals are no longer an expensive luxury for those who can afford to pay for their principles.

“Whether it’s using less energy around the home or choosing a green energy deal, these are small changes that make a big difference – both environmentally and financially.”

Source: Energy Live News

