Tag: Tanzania

In Tanzania, communities save money together to build a brighter future

In southern Tanzania, women are working together to save money, access small loans, and obtain emergency funding for medical or other crises. Known as Village Savings and Loan Alliances (VSLAs), these models are...

The East African Rift: Realising the Region’s Geothermal Potential

The East African Rift System (EARS) is one of the largest rifts in the world. Characterised by a spreading crust, the tectonically active region spans 6,400 kilometres in length and up to...

Iceland, a World Leader in Clean Energy, Supports Africa’s Push for Geothermal Power

At the beginning of the 20th century, Iceland was one of Europe's poorest countries, its people relying on a precarious and polluting mix of imported coal and local peat for electricity.But over...

Six Ways Nature Can Protect Us from Climate Change

Restoring and protecting nature is one of the greatest strategies for tackling climate change, but not just for the obvious reason that it sucks carbon out the air. Forests, wetlands, and other...

Protection of Seagrasses Key to Building Resilience to Climate Change, Disasters

Seagrass meadows can be a powerful nature-based climate solution and help sustain communities hard-hit by stressors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but these important ecosystems continue to decline. The importance of seagrasses...

There Will Be 9.7 Billion on Earth by 2050, but the Growth Rate Is Slowing

“The World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights”, estimates that the next 30 years will see the global population add an extra 2 billion people to today’s figure of 7.7 billion, and, by the...

Plastic Bag Bans ‘Can Slash Air Pollution’

Plastic bag bans can not only cut down on marine waste and reduce damage to valuable ecosystems – they can also slash air pollution.That’s according to a new study published by UN...

Tanzania to Open Renewable Energy Technology Training Centre

Following a study revealing that renewable energy, particularly solar, is dominating rural Tanzania, there are now plans to open a training centre. The director of the Innovative Technology and Energy Centre (ITEC), Dr...

World Bank Scores Sustainable Energy Policies in 111 Countries

An increasing number of developing countries – Mexico, China, Turkey, India, Vietnam, Brazil, and South Africa – are emerging as leaders in sustainable energy, with robust policies to support energy access, renewables...

With New Pledges and New Projects, Developing Countries Take Clean Energy Lead Globally

Developing countries have made unprecedented pledges to consume more clean energy tomorrow even as they are leading the way today with record new wind and solar project completions, the latest edition of...