EU Grants €6m for Energy Efficient Solutions

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

An investment totalling €4 million (£3.4m) has been granted for further development of energy efficiency services and renewable energy solutions in Europe.

Resalta offers tailored energy efficiency solutions to public and private organisations through the Energy Service Company (ESCO) model, covering everything from project design, implementation, operations and maintenance to financing.

It has so far helped save 300GWh of energy and reduced 30,000 tons of carbon emissions a year in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Italy, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia.

The company, based in Slovenia and founded by Gorenje, Geoplin and Energetika Ljubljana, will use the grant from the European Investment Fund (EIF) to evolve from being a start-up and implement a business plan for greener services.

EIF Chief Executive Pier Luigi Gilbert said: “Companies like Resalta are proof that businesses can be successful and environmentally conscious at the same time. There is a business opportunity in making Europe a better place for generations to come and Resalta has benefitted Slovenia and the EU by seizing that opportunity.”

Source: Energy Live News

