Tag: popular-main

Air France Early Bird campaign of over 1000 destinations across the globe

French airline company has an amazing idea for all those who wish to avoid long and cold European winter and at the same time save on the gas, electricity and heating bills....

Serbia on the Path of Green Transition

The most important step that lies ahead for Serbia in order to become a European Union member is the transfer of the regulations of this political and economic community to the national...

S Stands for Solar Power, Stability, Sun

Who would have thought that in the 21st century, we would face an energy crisis whose end is still not in sight, which has caused trouble to even the most developed economies...

Development of the Electricity Network as a Key to a Greater Regional RES Integration

This process is unstoppable in developed countries, but despite the odds and good preconditions we have in this region to a more active approach to green transformation, the process is moving insignificantly....

Future With Fewer Challenges and More Megawatts Installed

Projects such as the wind farm “Kovačica” with 104.5 megawatts installed and implemented by the company New Energy Solutions positively impact our country’s energy and environmental sector. Thanks to this, Serbia is...

Community Fridge – Leave Whatever You Can, Take Whatever You Need

We have to ask you to pay special attention to this text at the very beginning. Take a moment and think about how much food you threw away during the previous week...

Achieving the Community Goals Through Investments in Energy Efficiency

Situated in the heart of Serbia and surrounded by the mountains Jelica, Ovčar, Kablar, and Vujan, Čačak is a city proud of its rich history. As one of the largest cities in...

The Infrastructure as the Biggest Challange

In Serbia, during 2021, a total of 113 electric vehicles were sold, which has not affected the disturbing fact that more than 80 per cent of the total vehicle fleet consists of...

Let’s Listen To What The Wind Tells Us

The language of the wind is simple. However, although every whistle tells us “healthy environment”, “unlimited green kilowatts”, and “energy stability”, investments in dirty technologies and fossil fuels are still going on. The...

The Green Shade of Black Gold

When we mention NIS, the first thing that comes to mind for most consumers is the production and sale of fuel. However, over the past decade, the domestic oil industry has also...

Free Ride With ProCredit Bank – Regional Charger Network is Expanding

For Serbia, it is often true that it is “lagging behind the world”, but in this case, it is not so because in our country, there is a support system for the...

Running Like Clockwork

Solar panels on the roofs in Serbia are not a common picture. One, the first step into the world of photovoltaics is not going to cut it. However, this modest share of...

Green Power, Clean Air

Are the sun and water resources that could clear the path to a climate-neutral world or just another “bad master” who could bring droughts and floods? Both scenarios are equally possible. However,...

A Solar – Powered Catamaran

Floating islands of waste are real ecological disasters since they endanger water streams, the function of the hydropower plants, and the safe water supply. Moreover, they have a devastating impact on all...

The IED Serbia Project – For the Efficient Prevention and Better Control of Environmental Pollution

Through project “Further Implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive – IED Serbia”, implemented over the past three years, Sweden has supported our country both at institutional and individual companies level, with the...

Here’s Why the Business of Sustainability Has Come of Age

In 2019, impact investing was a $715 billion global market. Looking beyond the pure financial heft of the market, the number accurately reflects the growing reality among corporates and investors who are...