We Outline and Design Tomorrow’s Society

Photo: NIRAS

A Denmark-based, international multi-disciplinary consulting company – NIRAS  is founded in 1956. Today, our growing NIRAS Group team has more than 2,300 dedicated professionals, contributing with their signature advice and innovative solutions to global progress in various sectors such as construction, infrastructure, public utilities, environment, energy, planning, socioeconomics, management, IT and development consulting.

Our headquarters is in Denmark and our offices are based throughout Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, Germany, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe giving us the diversity, versatility and variety of experience key to reliable, realistic and sustainable solutions and advice to our clients. NIRAS works to understand tomorrow so our clients can benefit from it today.

Sustainable Solutions to Greatest Societal Challenges

NIRAS International Consulting is a part of NIRAS family of companies with more than 40 years of international experience in project management, acquired systematically in more than 100 countries around the globe.

We are focused on implementing donor-funded technical assistance projects and provide reliable, hands-on support to our clients in comprehensive project management and professional services during the entire project cycle. With a diverse group of experts in our international teams, we are ready to provide sustainable solutions to even the greatest societal challenges.

Our experts are ready to support faster and sustainable international development with their signature, high-quality consulting capabilities, ranging from project design to project implementation and, finally, project evaluation.

Real Progress and Positive Change

NIRAS International Consulting is today one of the biggest development consultancy companies in the world, with a network of companies and branch offices in more than 20 countries. We take particular pride in our project portfolio with more than 1000 projects implemented in more than 70 countries over the last five years alone, and the concrete progress and positive change we have enabled together with our clients.

Our offices in Finland, Norway, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Germany and Serbia house our core team of 300 full-time employees, supported by more than 800 topnotch experts working on development projects, and more than 14,500 short-term experts engaged in international development projects.

NIRAS is actively contributing to faster development of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America in a variety of sectors. Our portfolio of clients includes: European Commission, European Investment Bank, EBRD, KfW and GIZ (Germany), Danida (Denmark), the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Sida (Sweden), SDC (Switzerland), AFD (France), AusAid (Australia), NORAD (Norway), DFID (UK), USAID (USA), the Nordic Development Fund, African Development Bank (AfDB), the Asian Development Bank, various UN organizations and the World Bank.

Sustainable Global Development and NIRAS

NIRAS is a company fully committed to the principles of United Nations Global Compact, the world’s largest corporate social responsibility initiative, with stakeholders in over 170 countries worldwide. We fully incorporate the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, making them an integral part of our strategies, policies and procedures.

Based on our international presence, NIRAS promotes and lives the culture of integrity and social responsibility, proving our concern and responsibility for the wellbeing and progress of humanity and our planet.

As a socially and environmentally conscious company we also support UN goals, such as the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). NIRAS have institutionalised the SDG framework in the mind set and identity of our organization including the following:

„ Integrated the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to our overall business strategy;

„ Integrated M&E system for all of our new projects and programs which includes 100 Global Sustainable Development Goals indicators;

„ Monitored our performance against key performance indicators and sustainable development goals;

„ Established in-house cross-functional sustainability teams and task forces for each of the technical areas were we provide services;

„ Established a Sustainability Committee at NIRAS management / board level;

„ Identified core NIRAS International Consulting Sustainable Development Goals (5, 6, 8, 17, etc.);

„ Committed additional internal resources to improve our contribution to Sustainable Development Goals where we are less present (namely 11 and 14);

„ Committed to increase on SDG 7 as we venture into wind farming market and committed ourselves to measure our improvement against the respective indicators.

NIRAS is a committed Sustainable Development Goals supporter, with a desire to make real and positive contribution towards a more sustainable world and provides each of our employees an opportunity and space to make real, positive change.

You can read the entire text in the tenth issue of the Energy Portal Magazine SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, in March 2018.

