28. Jun Donates “Smart Recycling Boxes” that Feed Stray Dogs to Belgrade

Photo: Promo

Humanitarian organization 28. Jun today donated to the Stari Grad municipality in Belgrade two vending machines that feed stray dogs and encourage recycling.

The “Smart Recycling Boxes” are essentially vending machines that dispense dog food and water in exchange for recycled plastic bottles. The bottles are placed into slots at the top of the machine, while food and water is dispensed out of the bottom, making it accessible to stray dogs. By using the funds from the recycled bottles to purchase food for the animals, people are encouraged to recycle.

The machines are approximately the size of an ATM and utilize natural energy with the aid of solar panels installed on its top. The machines also contain technology that can provide analytics on usage, as well as monitor levels of food, water and waste. It even talks, thanking users in Serbian and English and reciting trivia about the Stari Grad municipality.

The vending machines aim to give strays a better life and reduce their hardship on the streets, while also encouraging its users to adopt a healthy recycling habit. The machines operate at no charge to the city, and the recycled bottles cover the cost of the food.

Source: 28. Jun

