Photo: Nifood

The popular saying that the world belongs to the young is often heard, but it seems that we do not understand its meaning as we should. We should correct our wrong decisions before leaving it to the young generations to make new solutions. Because we often fail to do this, children repeatedly remind us by offering us lessons as reading material to learn from. The Hospitality and Tourism High School students in Niš, who founded NiFood, offered us a lesson and an innovative, healthy, and ecologically significant product to the market. We talked about it with Milica Todorović, the marketing manager of this company.

After visiting several school offices and other facilities, they noticed that a large amount of food was being wasted. Through a more detailed study, they concluded that in Serbia, as many as 770,000 tons of food end up as waste per year. Guided by the desire to participate in the fight against the waste of this resource, they researched which foods most often end up as waste and how they could, at least partially, prevent it.


“From the point of view of ecology, the problem of throwing away food and food ending up in a landfill is reflected in the fact that by rotting, due to the absence of special processing, food becomes biowaste that emits, among other things, methane. Carbon dioxide is often talked about as a significant environmental problem, and it is forgotten that methane emissions have a much stronger negative impact than CO2,” says Milica Todorović.

In this company, through diligent work, they came up with the common idea to contribute by producing soup cubes that preserve the environment. This product is unique due to its natural composition, since among the ingredients are pumpkin and carrot trope, root and whole vegetables of celery, parsnip, onion, and parsley, as well as spices, pepper and bay leaf. It goes without saying that it does not contain artificial colors, flavor and aroma enhancers, emulsifiers, and glutamate.

“The bouillon cube is suitable for all ages, for people with cardiovascular diseases, diabetics, vegans, as well as babies because it contains vitamins A, C and B that are obtained from the tropical pumpkin,” says Milica.

The product is not yet on sale because the students are working on improving its qualities to extend its shelf life. However, they are already planning to expand the range when the opportunity arises.

Prepared by: Katarina Vuinac

Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION

